As an agency, do you consider unhappy clients to be your worst nightmare? You’re managing multiple social media accounts for multiple brands across multiple networks, spanning multiple countries, and you’re getting thousands of messages, comments, and interactions coming in every day.

So, how is it humanly possible to keep all your clients happy?

Doing so used to be a problem for Moov®, a brand owned by Moovmedia Group, a digital marketing agency based in Chile. Since the agency opened its doors in 2012, Moov® has helped over 100 companies across seven different countries create and implement data-led growth strategies and campaigns to boost engagement and increase global brand awareness. However, managing their client’s social media accounts and optimizing their social media presence wasn’t an easy task.

Until they found Agorapulse.

This is Moov®’s success story. If you’d like to become a success story, too, check out Agency Summit for all things agency coming up on June 14, 2023. And don’t forget to sign up now for a free trial of Agorapulse to save time and money.

The Challenge: Client Rich, Time Poor

Over 10 years, Moov steadily built up an impressive portfolio of more than 100 clients. But when they started offering their clients social media management services, they quickly ran into trouble.

They struggled to monitor, manage, and respond to the huge volume of messages and comments that their clients received across all social media networks.

For instance, they worked with several retailers that often get over a hundred messages a day, including on weekends. Moov’s team of social media experts just didn’t have enough time to handle them all, on top of all their other regular business-as-usual tasks and clients. So, messages and comments would sometimes go unanswered for days due to the enormous workload.

That fact, understandably, rattled a few client cages and, therefore, stunted the growth potential of the agency.

The problem was that Moov® was trying to handle the day-to-day running of their client’s social media accounts manually.

For every client, the community manager would have to log into each social media network, trawl through the comments, check all the messages, and type out individual responses. They even sometimes used their personal cell phones if they were on Instagram.

They had a spreadsheet for each client. And they would have to add these messages and comments into it so that they could segment interactions into positive, negative, and neutral categories for sentiment analysis and reporting.

And the community managers also had to email each client with every potential lead and opportunity, and every tricky question or serious complaint.

Can you imagine how long this would all take, each day, for over 40 clients with 63 brands?

And can you, therefore, see why comments and messages were sometimes left unanswered?

The Solution: Social Media Management Platform Agorapulse

It didn’t take long for Moov® to realize that their current way of working was hemorrhaging time, money, and, most importantly, their client’s happiness.

Moov® needed to move to a social media management solution.

That social media management solution came in the shape of Agorapulse, a firm favorite among agencies.

“We started using Agorapulse four years ago, and now we do everything through the platform.”

Once they were up and running with Agorapulse, they found they could:

Use third-party tools or spreadsheets for sentiment analysis and reporting

They can now assign tags to comments and messages, which automatically categorize them into positive, negative, and neutral sentiments. And they can create comprehensive client reports, using built-in reporting features that pull data from Google Analytics and social media networks, which they can then schedule to auto-run at specific times.

Use cell phones, or manually log into each social network to respond to comments and messages

They now manage all interactions, including messages and comments from Instagram, for over 40 clients, from one single place: the Social Media Inbox.

Type out individual responses to the same comments, messages, or questions

Rather than typing out the same reply over and over again, they can now choose a standard response from a bank of ‘saved replies.’

Email tricky questions or serious complaints to clients

They can add clients to the Agorapulse platform so that they can share any difficult interactions with them, all within the platform.

Can you imagine how much time and money that was saved by Agorapulse? We’ll tell you.

header image for conquer social media inbox

The Outcome: More than 40 Happy Clients With 109 Social Profiles Managed

Moov® is currently managing 40 happy clients, 63 brands, and over 109 social media profiles through the Agorapulse platform.

Because Moov® can keep on top of the volume of messages and comments that come into the social media inbox, use their bank of saved replies, and share specific conversations directly with clients, their average response time has dropped from 23 hours to just 6. That’s a 17-hour reduction!

Not only are they able to respond faster to messages and comments, but their replies are more accurate and consistent too. Multiple community managers can view the history of messages and replies. So, when someone is on vacation or off sick, conversations can continue seamlessly.

Rather than logging into each client’s social media networks to check response times, the number of unresolved cases, and other KPIs, in a couple of clicks, they’re able to collect data, build reports, and send them directly to clients. This reporting function has also allowed them to see, at a glance, how Community Managers are performing, and where extra resources might be needed during busier times.

All this has enabled Moov® to reduce the time they spend on manual tasks, such as monitoring social networks, reporting, and responding to messages, by 70%, leaving them free to focus on growth.

As a result, their clients are 100% confident in the social media management services that Moov®’s Community Managers are providing.

“In addition to increasing client confidence in our work and the optimization of our Community Manager’s day-to-day social media management, the constant support that Agorapulse gives the Moovmedia Group gives us great peace of mind.”

Why not see how much time you could save using Agorapulse? Book a free demo with the team and get the ball rolling.

How This Agency Cut Manual Tasks & Now Has 70% More Time to Spend on Growth